My life in books

  • Fabrizio Gatti, "Bilal. Als Illegaler auf dem Weg nach Europa
  • Michael Gerard Bauer, Ismael und der Auftritt der Seekühe

Montag, 13. Oktober 2008

English 12 - Preparing for Klausur

Here are my recommendations on how to prepare for the Klausur:
- Revise the topics we've talked about: mainly September 11 and Presidential elections. Read through the articles again. 
- Make sure you understand the electoral system: go back to the website we worked with and read the paper on the 'non-issues' in this years' elections
- Watch excerpts from the last presidential debate. Opening and closing statements are especially important. You can start here.
- Study your vocabulary words (words in context and your own!). If you don't know what a ballot is used for and what happens at a convention, you need to do an extra shift of studying!
- Get a good night's sleep. Don't forget: Hakuna Matata.

Obama's Speeches - Listening for Stylistic Devices

Study the  hand-out on stylistic devices carefully! This is a very important list - you need to know these expression for analyzing all kinds of  texts!
Then read the transcript (excerpts) of the speech Obama gave in Berlin in August. Start identifying stylistic devices. Then watch the speech here: Obama's speech in Berlin

Another really important event was Obama's speech in Philadelphia. 
You will understand a lot about the role of race and religion in American history. 
(This is extra credit)

Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2008

Researching the Civil War

Start your explorations here. 
Read through the introductory page. 
Then go to the Maps, Biographies and Historical Document sections to find the answers to the questions provided on the hand-out. Try first to find the answers here. If you need additional information, go elsewhere on the web. Sum up your results in 1-2 paragraphs in a post on your class's blog. Click on Images of the Civil War and choose a picture to accompany your blog. To upload the picture, you have to click on the small picture icon in the upper line of the posting window.

Samstag, 4. Oktober 2008

Understanding the US electoral system

The US president is not elected directly by the people but through the vote of the electors, the members of the electoral college. Each state has as many electoral votes as it has members of Congress. The presidential candidate with the majority of the popular vote in a given state (i.e. votes by the people voting in that state) gets all the electoral votes from this state. This "winner takes all" system has a profound impact on how campaigns are run. 
The McCain/Palin campaign just decided to pull out of Michigan. That means, they are not campaigning in Michigan anymore: McCain and Palin don't hold any more events there, they don't spend any more money on TV ads, the volunteers move on to a different battleground state. Why? Because recent polls show that they don't have a chance to win that state anymore. Of course, McCain will still get a considerable amount of the popular vote, but not the majority. Therefore he will not get the electoral votes of Michigan. 
To learn more about this issue, go here.
Click on the map and answer the questions on the hand-out.

Galilei heute?

Die Frage, wo ein Galilei wohl heute zu finden wäre, beschäftigt mich weiterhin. Einer, der für mich in Frage kommt, ist K.R. Sridhar.  Hier sind ein paar Daten über ihn, und hier ein langer Artikel über die Zusammenhänge, in denen er arbeitet. Die 'Kirche' gegen die Leute wie er heute kämpfen, sind die großen Ölfirmen und der Einfluss, den sie weiterhin auf die Regierungen haben (siehe Cheney). Oder? Was meinen Sie? Ich freue mich über Kommentare!

Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2008

Understanding Slavery

We will spend todays lesson learning about slavery on this website.
1. Decide in your group what you want to focus on:
a) A World of Slavery: Many countries participated (and participate) in slave trade. Which ones? When? 
b) A slave on three continents: The story of Oloudah Equiano, who was enslaved on three continents.
c) Witness a slave auction. Who could have stopped the auction?
2. Take your time exploring the topic. One person in your group writes a list of words you had to check (go to
3. When you are done exploring, type 2-3 paragraphs on what you have learnt and print it out. 

Montag, 29. September 2008

For my colleagues

Well, don' t we all need heros once in a while? Here is mine. Bear with him for the first couple of minutes, it's well worth it. I'd love to start a supply shop for the working buccaneer with a writing center on the side on Plöck...

Montag, 22. September 2008

Presidential Elections Quiz

Take this quiz to find out which candidate you have most in common with. Make sure you know what you are voting on - so look up any words or ideas that you are not familiar with. Type in any zip code (or use my former one: 94306). Sum up your results and findings in your note book.

Book Report Grade 12

Here is a list of books you can choose from for your book report. Of course, this is just a very small selection, and a very lopsided one - books that I've read and liked. I'm open to any suggestion from you! Have fun browsing!

Donnerstag, 18. September 2008

Homework 11

Read the following passages:

Passage 1

The stench of the hold while we were on the coast was so intolerably loathsome, that it was dangerous to remain there for any time, and some of us had been permitted to stay on the deck for the fresh air; but now that the whole ship’s cargo were confined together, it became absolutely pestilential (i.e. awful). The closeness of the place, and the heat of the climate, added to the number in the ship, which was so crowded that each had scarcely room to turn himself, almost suffocated us. This produced  copious (i.e. a lot of) perspirations, so that the air soon became unfit for respiration (= breathing), from a variety of loathsome smells, and brought on a sickness among the slaves. . . . —First-person account of conditions on a slave ship during the Middle Passage, from Olaudah Equiano, The Life of Gustavus Vassa

Passage 2

The pungent aroma of backed-up toilets, unwashed bodies, decaying food, mold and who knows what else. Sweltering heat. An awful din. Rumors of unspeakable crimes. . . . “I can’t stand to even look at pictures of that time,” said Terrie Green, 41, who went to the Superdome with her three children and infant granddaughter on Tuesday, August 30, after being rescued from their flooded Ninth Ward home. "By the time we got out of there we were all sick. Sick from the heat, sick from that stink that was there. Just worn out.” Because of the heat—outside temperatures soared into the high 90s, and it reached an estimated 125 degrees inside the Superdome—the family, including little Alea, only 2 days old when the storm hit, moved to the concourse that runs around the exterior. The heat took a toll on the baby, who developed a rash and became dehydrated. After they evacuated to Houston, the infant was hospitalized for a week. “She’s still kind of sickly,” said Green, who remains in Houston looking for work. “There was the fear, the heat, the misery, but most of all—the smell,” —Description of conditions in the New Orleans, Superdome during Hurricane Katrina, from Mary Foster,  Associated Press, August 27, 2006

Tasks: 1) Look up all the words you don't know. If you do not know what the Middle Passage was, google that, too. 2) Answer in writing in your notebook: What situation does each passage describe? What similarities can you identify between the two descriptions? Do you think this is a valid comparison?

Mittwoch, 17. September 2008

Language of Campaign Ads

TV ads have played an important role in US presidential elections since the fifties. They areoften carefully crafted mini-movies created by the best talent from the advertisement world. A big chunk of the money the candidates raise is spent on buying expensive time on TV channels. 
Probably the most famous one is the 'Daisy Girl' ad, which LB. Johnson used in his campaign against Barry Goldwater in 1964. You can watch it here. 

Please watch Obama's portrait in this ad and compare it to McCain's portrait in American Values
Both campaigns use negative ads as well: How is Obama portrayed in this one from the McCain campaign? How about McCain in this one from the Obama campaign? 

Sonntag, 14. September 2008

Hurricane Ike

Hurricane Ike made landfall on the Texas coast early morning Saturday.  Here are a few impressions of what happened

Freitag, 12. September 2008

New York Memorials- Pictures taken April 2002

In April 2002, New York was still full of make-shift memorials, not just around Ground Zero, but also in SoHo, Greenwich Village and in Central Park.

Donnerstag, 11. September 2008

Memories of 9/11

Seven years ago I was tooling around in our sunny little kitchen on MacKay Court in Palo Alto, California, while preventing my two-year-old from ripping apart the entire newspaper and singing lullabies to my baby,   when the phone rang. My dad called from Germany and told me to turn on the TV - well, and from then on I did what most of the country, and millions of people around the world did. Mesmerized I sat in front of the screen forever, watching the planes fly into the skyscrapers again and again and again. 
Within hours people were lining up in front of hospitals to donate blood. Within days the neighborhood was awash in flags. Within weeks people donated more than 800 million dollars for the WTC survivor fund. Within a month bombs were dropped on Kabul. 
20 people with box cutters and determination had ended an era that started 1989, when the wall came down in Germany, when the Cold War ended.  For the twelve years between the birth of my first and last child there had been a sense of possibility, an attitude of  'let's go ahead and tackle the important issues together', a chance of using reason as the guiding light in politics. Sadly, I think we're all still at Ground Zero in rebuilding the case for reason today. 

Here is a slideshow of how the Twin Towers are still a part of the cultural landscape.

Mittwoch, 10. September 2008

Hurricane Katrina - Kanye West Benefit Concert

New Orleans is a city that means a lot to musicians all over the world. So many of them felt compelled to do something when the levees broke. One of them is the rapper  Kanye West who made the news with his very emotional statement while the city was still flooded. Well, he didn't back off a year later. Green Day and U2 performed at the benefit concert he organized.  The Saints are the New Orleans Football Team - they returned to the Superdome a year after Katrina hit. It felt like a rebirth for the city. This clip contains a lot of original footage from the days after the levees broke - but also some not so subtly manipulated one.  What's real and what is not? Describe in at least two paragraphs.
Here is the live version of the song - a little different in the beginning.
.....and for extra credit, check out what Brad Pitt has to contribute....

Montag, 8. September 2008

9/11 and its consequences - EN 12

Here is New York is very unusual, but then again very typically New York gallery of photos. It started in SoHo, a very trendy neighborhood of designer stores, artist's lofts and fine restaurants, in a small storefront right after 9/11. They presented the pictures as simple prints on clotheslines  - pictures taken by amateurs mostly, ordinary New Yorkers who walked the streets of their city in the aftermath of the collapse of the Twin Towers. These prints were for sale for 25 $ each. Net proceeds went to benefit children affected by the tragedy. 
Check out the pictures! Many might be familiar, but many will also show you a new perspective on this event. 

Hurricane Katrina - Homework 11b and c

Watch the movie trailer of 'Trouble the Water'. Answer the following questions:
- What is this movie about?
- What do you see in the trailer? Which picture stays in your mind?
- Do you find it hard to understand the people talking? Why?
- Is this a movie you'd be interested in watching? If yes, why? If not, why not?
Please write about half a page in your Heft and be prepared to share it.

Mittwoch, 3. September 2008

Choice of Novels for Englischkurs 12/1

During the Herbstferien, you'll have to read a novel. These are your choices:

Jumpha Lahiri, The Namesake (Indian-American)
Maxine Hong Kingston, The Woman Warrior (Chinese-American)
Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye (African-American)
T.C. Boyle, Tortilla Curtain ( illegal Mexican immigrant and white Californian)
Anne Tyler, Digging to America (Iranian-American)

Take your pick by end of September and let me know by October 10th!

US-Elections 2008 on the Net
The New York Times covers the elections extensively. I recommend it highly, it is still one of the best papers in the world, the online version is excellent. The internal search engine will help you to research any and all aspects of the campaign.
Barack Obama’s campaign website offers information on his platform organized by issues, transcripts of all his speeches and some fun, short behind-the-scenes video clips.
John McCain’s website is similarly organized. Again, this is a great start-off point for research.

Bloggers are an ever-growing phenomenon in the media world. It takes a little while to find your way around the blogs, but it’s time well spent. You’ll get a lot of interesting perspectives. is a very well-known blog on the left side of the spectrum. The Drudge Report is the oldest conservative blog – Drudge was the one to break the news on Monica Lewinsky, the intern who had an affair with Bill Clinton.

The three national networks ABC, NBC
and CBS offer all their newscasts on video. Check out their respective late-night shows – it’s often very funny (e.g. the top ten pick-up lines at the Democratic National Convention on David Letterman, August 27th). I like Jon Stewart the best. You can watch his Daily Show in full length on

The only national public station, PBS, offers a podcast of ‘The News Hour with Jim Lehrer’ , probably the most thorough, balanced and sober newscast you’ll find on American TV.

For a break after listening to Jim Lehrer, google ‘Obama girl’.

Donnerstag, 7. August 2008

Warum ich lesen wichtig finde

Lesen kann Spaß machen, vertreibt die Zeit, ist wichtig für gute Noten, verbessert die Allgemeinbildung, kostet nicht viel, kann man überall machen, liefert Gesprächsstoff, lenkt ab, hilft beim Einschlafen, ist Reisen ohne Flughafenstress....

....vor allem aber: Jedes Buch ist eine Welt für sich, die es zu deuten gilt. Ohne diese Deutungsarbeit, die zu einem großen Teil automatisch abläuft, wäre Lesen sinnlos - genau wie das Leben. Lesen trainiert die Bedeutungsgebungssynapsen - wer Geschichten Sinn geben kann, trennt auch im eigenen Leben leichter Wichtiges vom Unwichtigen.

Larissa Boehning, Lichte Stoffe

Sommerzeit ist Lesezeit!
'Lichte Stoffe' ist ein Erstlingswerk - und die Vorlagen, die die Autorin benutzt hat, die Vorgaben, die sie sich gemacht hat, die Techniken, die sie probiert hat, scheinen noch gut durch. Davon kann man viel lernen.
Zum Beispiel: Beschreibungen

"Er zählte seine Schritte. Er passierte Menschen, die aussahen, als trotteten sie durch die Welt, ohne sich je über etwas, das ihnen begegnete, zu wundern. Er begegnete atemlosen Joggern. Paaren mit Hund. Müttern mit Kindern. Eine Frau schob einen olivgrünen Kinderwagen, der ein Regendach mit Camouflagemuster hatte. Sie schob den Wagen mit wütender Entschlossenheit, als sei sie auf der Flucht durch ein Kriegsgebiet. Er traf Schulkinder, die in Gruppen gingen. Ihre Schritte waren kurz in den gestauchten Beutelhosen, ihre Taschen und Rucksäcke hingen ihnen wie unzumutbar schweres Gepäck am Rücken, die Reißverschlüsse ihrer Jacken halb geöffnet, die Hände versteckt in den Ärmeln, als hätten sie Angst davor mit irgend jemanden in Berührung zu kommen. Die Jungs hatten ihre Schirmmützen tief in die Stirn gezogen. Bernhard konnte ihre Gesichter nicht sehen. Manchmal spuckten sie blitzschnell neben sich auf den Weg. Darin ähnelten sie Hunden, die im Vorbeitraben ihre Markierungen setzten." (S. 63)

1. Details sind unersetzlich: Ohne die Frau mit dem Camouflage-Kinderwagenregendach (wobei Camouflage in der Beschreibungschon auf den Vergleich mit dem Kriegsgebiet vorbereitetet, das ist elegant und gut gemacht)und die spuckenden Jungens wäre diese Passage langweilig.
2. Eine Beschreibung sagt sehr viel über den Betrachter. In diesem Fall Bernhard, der ganz 'Death of a Salesman' like, den Verlust seines Arbeitsplatzes seiner Frau verschweigt.