My life in books

  • Fabrizio Gatti, "Bilal. Als Illegaler auf dem Weg nach Europa
  • Michael Gerard Bauer, Ismael und der Auftritt der Seekühe

Montag, 8. September 2008

9/11 and its consequences - EN 12

Here is New York is very unusual, but then again very typically New York gallery of photos. It started in SoHo, a very trendy neighborhood of designer stores, artist's lofts and fine restaurants, in a small storefront right after 9/11. They presented the pictures as simple prints on clotheslines  - pictures taken by amateurs mostly, ordinary New Yorkers who walked the streets of their city in the aftermath of the collapse of the Twin Towers. These prints were for sale for 25 $ each. Net proceeds went to benefit children affected by the tragedy. 
Check out the pictures! Many might be familiar, but many will also show you a new perspective on this event. 

1 Kommentar:

Unknown hat gesagt…

wow, I think this blog is a great idea. Thank your for all the information.
Lara Schneider