My life in books

  • Fabrizio Gatti, "Bilal. Als Illegaler auf dem Weg nach Europa
  • Michael Gerard Bauer, Ismael und der Auftritt der Seekühe

Montag, 2. Dezember 2013

American Dreams and American Nightmares

American Patriotism
American Patriotism is about sharing love and pride of the United States of America. We in Germany and in other countrys are often talking about this patriotic and optimistic thinking which is apparently popular in the United States. But can we generalize all Americans? Or is this just one more prejudice! And if it's just a prejudice, is it true ore just speculation ?
First I would say that mainly every country is a little bit patriotic. There is always something humans are prowd of. For example the Americans have a diverse scenery. Also the diverse culture which is known as " melting pot" and "salad bowl" is a reason to be proud. There is probable no other country that has such a diverse population.  All these are aspects of the American Dream. Liberty, individualism and freedom are positive qualities that are associated with America.
American Heroes
Alexander Hamilton, Ronald Reagan, Samuel Adams... There are many importand people that are known by nearly every American. For example, Franklin was a member of the committee of five who drafted the declaration of independence. In one of his speches he said the well known words: "Where liberty is, there is my country". America's first president George Washington (1732 -1799) was a a strong military leader. He also founded the "Stars and stripes". Also Thomas Jefferson took part in the American History. He wrote "an expression of the American mind" known as the "Declaration of Independence". Today they have the day of American Independence, where they celebrate American Independence from England.
All for America, America for all (charities)
In quote three Obama says "America is the sum of our dreams. [...] I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper [...]". This thought is the main reason for the charity organisations. The idea of helping others to be a strong nation can be found in many countries. (In Germany we have HARTZ 4 and also social organisations like "Brot für die Welt").
Crushing blow - 9/11
On the last picture you can see the patriotism, the optimism and pride for America. It seems to be a wall which was painted by childrens. In the middle you can see the Twin towers and around them are people's associations of the attack. Patriotism is shown by the words:"I love America forever" and "God bless Amerika". At the left side near the bottom somebody painted a heard and wrote in it " all people". This fits perfect to what Obamas says in quote 3. In many sentences you can read optimism  about the future, too. Some of them are: "No fear we will survice", "We will never forget. Hope you are saver now" and "God bring them to heaven". On the bottom there is a word: "REBUILD". All this shows the positive side of the picture, but we also can get an insight into the anger and the grief. In the middle of the wall are the following words in big letters: " OSAMA MUST DIE!". Although it is not proved beyond doubt many Americans believe that Osama had planned the atack on 9/11. The words "Osama must die" express the anger and the  rancour against the terrorists. Also the grief and helplessness.
From rags to riches
Another fact of the American culture and the main point of the American Dream is the idea of social mobility better known as "from rags to riches". This is why so many people want to immigrate to America. They are fascinated by the freedom and the opportunity. Maybe today the idea behind  "from rags to riches"  it is just a dream. Because for poor people without any many it is nearly impossible to get rich. For those they have the charity organisations which are good, but probably not enough to give them the opportunity to get rich. And in this big country there are many unemployed people living on the streets.
Spes ultima dea est
In the end I asked myself: Is the American dream still alive or has it become the American Nightmare? I dont know, but what I really know is that this dream and all those thoughts: Thoughts of liberty, freedom.. will live on in the minds of the Americans. In every crisis there is hope and optimistism. And for me I think there are many reasons for the Americans to be proud. Obama is and was Optimistic. Most of the American people are optimistic. That's important. The dream is still alive.  (JK)

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