New York represents all sides of the American Dream in one big city. Michael Bloomberg, mayor of New York City from 2002 until today said in his quote that New York is the place for dreamers and the biggest Dream the American Dream has been tested and triumphed there. The quote shows how important New York City is for the American Dream.
It is a place full of people from different countries and cultures, skin colours and religions. But exactly that is what makes this city so special. All cultures melt together to one big culture, a process which is
called 'melting pot'.
New York is defined by the American Dream, but is has also had bad times 9/11 was one of these, two planes flew into the twin towers and thousands of people died.The city was in shock, a nightmare for all of America. 9/11 is also an example for the fact what happens in America, to America or
what America does is mostly reflected in New York City.
Another example are the polticial fights in the American goverment, that are happening at the moment. America could be bankrupt any day and also this can be seen in New York. The statue of Liberty and Ellis Island have been closed down for a few days or weeks. On picture one you can see exactly this problem. You can see a sign in front of the river,with the statue of Liberty in the background. The sign says 'Important Gouverment shut down' and probably explains the closing of the statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Three men are looking at this sign. How this nightmare will end, we will only know in a few days.
New York is a city of dream and dreamers, of fulfilled dreams and hopeless dreaming, of the American Dreams and American Nightmares. It is a living example for the American Dream and like Bloomberg said, it 'has been tested and has triumphed' in this magical city, but has also had downs.
New York, New York.
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